Nathalie Feisthauer

“As one would imagine, perfumes are of great importance to me. I remember it as if it was yesterday, smelling Opium by Yves Saint Laurent at age 16 — yes, that changed my life forever. Making perfume is not just blissful joy to me but also a need, something I have to do. Until this day, I love creating perfumes and working with scent everyday. It is a vocation, a revelation!

I love the special universe of scent which DER DUFT created. It allows me to dive into uncharted territories. Having a dialog with Anselm about what a privilege may mean to anyone of us was truly inspirational. I quickly realised the impact calling my perfume creation “Privilege” would have and felt truly privileged to working on this creation for DER DUFT.

My personal interpretation of the term “privilege” is that it is a privilege for me, to have water, nature, greenery, woods and the sea available to me. In other words, having nature around me is the ultimate privilege.

“Privilege” has become my tribute to the natural elements!”